Sunday, February 19, 2012

Colossians 3:17

“Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

This was the verse talked about it in church this morning, and it got me thinking about this past week, and all of the weeks ahead of me. Did I act, serve, work, and love in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ this past week? In all that did no matter how small was I proclaiming the name of the Lord?....

It is kind of daunting question to ask yourself, even if you aren’t in Africa. But I have found that especially need to be asking myself this question everyday. Like all things in life, we settle into a routine. We find a niche and make it work. In everyday life I believe that is being passive. Being here in Africa, I feel like that is being wasteful. How could I waste one moment on things, thoughts, or actions that do not bring glory and praise to the Name of Jesus.

I can look at this week full of new things, different adventures, but I still have to ask myself what was the driving force behind all of those things. If I can’t answer Jesus, I know I have to change something.

I have been challenged by that so much today. I am here for a year. Yes, that seems like a long time, but in the realm of how fleeting this life is, that is nothing. My prayer and desire is that every day, every moment, every breath that leaves my mouth has purpose and meaning. I challenge you with that as well. Examine your days, your everyday life, and ask yourself the same question. Take it to the Lord and I know He will reveal to you ways in which He wants you to step back and allow Him to move.

So I hope the some of you who read this blog are interest in my everyday life and the happenings here in Namibia…. So now I will fill you in on this past week.

Hopefully everyone read my previous post about the beautiful new baby boys we welcomed into Zion…. If not, scroll down and take a few minutes to read it. We will be here waiting when you are done!

Tuesday I, yes me, learned to drive a stick. I know I know. Take a second to process that. Oh wait, don’t forget the driver is on the opposite side, and you drive on the opposite side of the road. Okay, now process that. Oy vey, is correct. Talk about an experience. But don’t worry no one was injured or killed in the process. Just frightened some I am sure.  That night I was challenged and pushed to think about why I am here. Why did God call me to this place? What is my purpose? It was a rough night; I spent a lot of time crying out to him seeking comfort and normalcy. But I knew nights like this would come.

Wednesday and Thursday, I spent the day in the classroom. One day with the 1st-3rd graders and the second with the Kindergarten class. What cuties they are. I am excited to be in one classroom full time. The principal is away at the capital city, Windhoek, for training and wont be back till the 25th of this month! So hopefully after he is back, I will have a better understanding of my days! These afternoons were spent watching the kids train for the regional sports event that was on Friday. Man these kids can run!! It is so fun watching them compete, and especially when the little ones try and keep up with the olders!

Friday morning was an early one. We met at 6:30 to load up and head to the sports complex in town. We packed all the kids in the 3 vehicles and headed off. Once we got there, Laura (another volunteer), Maria (one of our girls), and I headed to the hospital. With me driving, by myself for the first time…. She needed to go to the TB clinic for her checkup and get her meds refilled. So, I take off in the van. Lets just say, getting to the hospital was purely a miracle. I had a few issues to say the least. The drive back to the sports event wasn’t as bad. But I will say it’ll take awhile for me to get behind the wheel again! HA! The rest of the afternoon we spent at the sports field in the scorching sun. First sunburn, Check. I know understand why people carry umbrellas with them everywhere. Sun protection. Definitely bringing that along next time.

Saturday, oh Saturday, a day to sleep in!! Except on this particular Saturday, our little friend Joshua thought he would be funny by banging on our door at 7:30am. Ouch. Of course I can’t fall asleep after that, so I spent the morning doing devotions, journaling, and reading. I am currently doing a bible in a year reading plan. Its been really nice having set readings everyday, no matter how hard getting through some of the old testament can be!! Around 11 the girls and I (Laura, Heidi, and Jessie) took 4 of our older boys to town so they can get out for a bit. It works out nicely for us because we get the chance to go the market and mess around town. The market was fantastic. There are so many amazing things you can get! I can’t wait to do some shopping! We got back just in time for a HUGE storm to hit. It rained for about 5 hours or so! It was kind of nice! Around 4 we led the children’s bible study. We read the book “The Legend of the Three Trees.” If you haven’t read this, you absolutely should. Saturday nights are movie nights around here, so indulged in chocolate and a good Disney movie!

Today we had Church, led by Travis, and had some fun after playing board games and puzzles while the rain fell outside. This afternoon is consisting of rest, laundry, and cleaning around the East House (our humble abode).

I am excited for tomorrow and having my first Birthday in Africa! Maybe 23 will be the best year yet! The girls and I are going to go for pizza in town tomorrow night! I’m excited!

I have loved hearing from lots of you throughout the week. Send emails, it keeps me sane!! Haha!!!
ELEPHANTS!!!!!!!!! This was on our drive through Botswana!
The view from my house as a storm was coming across the river!
This is the school here at Zion.
This was at the sporting event in Katima this past Friday afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. We are proud of you. Keep laying out all you have for him (Col 3:17)!
